Traditional portfolios have been used as a tool to analyze a student's writing abilities since the early 1980's. As technology has advanced over the past twenty years, and society has adapted these new technologies into everyday life, education has also adapted its learning style. While printed portfolios have been extremely popular in academia over the years, there are two major issues that simply cannot be overcome by traditional portfolios: the difficulty to store them, and the lack of motivation on the part of the student to complete the project. Part of the beauty of online portfolios is that it offers solutions to not one, but both of the issues caused by traditional portfolios. Since online portfolios are completely digital, they are extremely simple to share. All it takes is to copy and paste a link into an e-mail, or even have it listed as a line item on a resume, and the information is shared. Plus, since the online portfolio is live on the internet from the beginning of the project, anyone can track the progress of that page. So it is quite possible and probable that someone will view the website while it is still being build, so the student is seen as putting forth an incomplete project. This is great motivation for a student to finish the project quickly.
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